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Is “Training with Torque” any different from “Training with Cadence”?

No. Not unless I’m missing something… As I’m sure you all know, and the author of the article below readily admits, we calculate power (i.e. the metric that matters) by using the incredibly simple formula “cadence * torque = power” in watts. So when Zach gets on his soapbox about Training with Torque, and how it’s all important and stuff, what he’s actually trying to sell is Training with Cadence by a…

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Antibiotics May Impact Endurance Athletes

Anecdotally, I have absolutely noticed a decline in motivation and performance after a course of antibiotics. Although, in each of these cases there has also been a reason why I was taking the antibiotics. Usually because I crashed my bike and needed them to prevent or fight off an infection. For that reason, I’ve never really thought about the potential that antibiotics were exacerbating the problem – until last night when I…

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Some Unqualified Training Advice :)

A friend recently asked me to assist them with putting together a training plan. They didn’t provide much in the way of specific goals, so I shared some thoughts on how I approach training. What I’m currently doing, which includes work on the bike as well as off. Some of the way, or maybe why, I do the off-bike work is structured for cycling fitness, but even before I started cycling I…

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Hitting the wall isn’t bad…

Until relatively recently, I’d never failed to complete, or even had to pause, a structured workout to make it all the way through. Back then, I took a small amount of comfort from this artifact. Now, I think that’s backwards, and I couldn’t have been more wrong. My current thinking is that I wasn’t pushing hard enough in my structured training. So I wasn’t identifying areas of improvement. Finding a limit is…

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