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Highland Park


People say the weirdest things on Facebook

The strangest thing happens when anyone mentions cyclists on Facebook (yeah, I know, I’m old) – the get off my road folks come out in force. Most of the time, I ignore it. You can’t have a rational discussion with someone who is having a faith based rage fest. But sometimes, despite my better judgement, I wade in. Slow day at work today :).…

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Cyclist Shot in Highland Park, IL

Chicago’s “Northshore” is a well known area for road cyclists. Annoying because it means that you need to be a hitter to have any chance at KOMs, but it also means that it’s generally very safe to ride your bike in the area whenever you want. While there are occasional incidents with cars, or police crack downs on rolling through stop signs, it’s usually at a very manageable level. There are always…

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