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Just say “no” to keto

I noticed when GCN started pumping out their keto videos, but was too distracted to comment at the time. To be clear, I think it an interesting, but completely settled, topic. Carbs are the most efficient way to fuel. Period. If you want to lose weight; add miles, cut back on calories, or both. For most people, finding a healthy weight is a simple math problem. It’s also worth pointing out that…

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I’ve been doing wound care wrong. My whole life.

Unfortunately, I picked up some lacerations, and stitches, in last night’s adventure, but fortunately the 182lb Pure Climber was there to let me know that I have been handling my wound care incorrectly. For as long as I’ve been self-managing my wound care. Maybe it’s just me, but I suspect not given 1) the host’s desire to discuss it 2) he specifically mentioned that some surgeons do it wrong 3) it’s what…

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It’s getting hot in here…

It was my understanding that training in the heat not only helps with performance in the heat (duh), but also performance in the cool. So there’s simple guidance: train hot whenever you can. That might not actually be the case (thanks 182lb Pure Climber for the link), with the study below indicating that there’s no performance benefit to be had from training hot for cool weather events. The sample isn’t massive (only…

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Small changes, to small numbers, net large percentage changes

Math, being math, means that if you take a small number and double it (e.g. 1 + 1 = 2), you get a massive, nay alarming, percentage increase. Which does make for click bait, err.. a good headline, when it comes to things like cyclist death in the UK. There are so many issues with the use of the data (linked below) to draw speculative conclusions, that I hesitated to even link…

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Diet and Asthma

I have exercise induced asthma, which I primarily manage by taking medication and carrying an emergency inhaler whenever I expect to do strenuous exercise. I have seen reports that diet plays a role in the treatment of asthma before, so this meta-analysis isn’t really new news, but it is interesting to me considering some recent lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, I’m not really equipped to validate the conclusions that the authors drew in their…

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Stop taunting me CBD

CBD infused recovery products were all over CABDA a few months ago, and they were more than happy to hand out samples – all of which are still sitting on my desk. I would love to try them, there is a massive potential for benefit both in the proven areas (i.e. reducing anxiety and improved sleep) and areas that require more research (e.g. reduced inflammation, improved recovery, etc.). But the reasons why…

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Abnormal high heart rate detected?

In general, I’m loving the Garmin Fenix 6, but there’s definitely some occasional weirdness going on with the optical heart rate sensor. Many new Garmin watches have a feature which can detect when the wearer has something funky going on with their heart rate when they’re sedentary. I turned it on, because why not? The default threshold is 100BPM, which seems reasonable for me personally, but it’s good that it’s configurable because…

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Maybe in a velodrome…

Maybe I’m just being pedantic (likelihood is high), but I’m reasonably confident while it is true that when you’re moving faster, you move faster into the space someone else used to be. I have to question whether the space they used to be is in the same state as it was when they were there. Taking an easy factor into consideration, say an angled crosswind, where does the exhalate go from the…

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