A helmet is a helmet. Right? Well, not exactly. There’s a lot that needs to go right for a helmet to work, and unfortunately the Bontrager Specter WaveCel gets most of that wrong.
That is fascinating. I have the same helmet and likely because of anatomical differences, I don’t have your issues. For the glasses I usually just throw them in my jersey pocket, although I am going to try out some photo chromatic shades soon.
I really only have 2 minor gripes. The chin strap will listen a bit over time. And it tends to sit forward on my head. So in a low tuck, I have to shift it back a little or the front rim obscures my view. Too bad it isn’t working for you.
That is interesting. It must be anatomical difference, or perhaps body position on the bike. I generally ride pretty low/flat on the bike (even on gravel), so my neck and shoulders really feel the weight difference vs my other helmet. Which, I guess could be part of the issue as well. Since I wear a different, lighter helmet on the road, maybe I just never beefed up the neck muscles :).
That is fascinating. I have the same helmet and likely because of anatomical differences, I don’t have your issues. For the glasses I usually just throw them in my jersey pocket, although I am going to try out some photo chromatic shades soon.
I really only have 2 minor gripes. The chin strap will listen a bit over time. And it tends to sit forward on my head. So in a low tuck, I have to shift it back a little or the front rim obscures my view. Too bad it isn’t working for you.
That is interesting. It must be anatomical difference, or perhaps body position on the bike. I generally ride pretty low/flat on the bike (even on gravel), so my neck and shoulders really feel the weight difference vs my other helmet. Which, I guess could be part of the issue as well. Since I wear a different, lighter helmet on the road, maybe I just never beefed up the neck muscles :).
Agreed I am in the drops infrequently. I also noticed today the the strap fits a bit farther out under my chin, so no Adam’s apple issues.