Squeaky pedals are super annoying; both to you, and to everyone you’re riding with. While squeaky pedals isn’t a problem isolated to SPD pedals, they do seem to suffer from it a bit more than other setups, probably because of the more durable metal-on-metal interface.…
Products I Do Not Understand: Aero Gravel Wheels
Accepting that I’m not an expert in aerodynamics, it’s quite possible that I’m wrong here (please be gentle, aerodynamic experts). That said, based on my lay understanding of wheel aerodynamics, I cannot see how (except in very limited circumstances) one would benefit aerodynamically from an “aero” gravel wheel. That’s not to say that there aren’t other benefits to a deeper wheel, CX racers will know that it’s quite common for so much…
Winter is coming. Get a smart trainer.
In general, the main driver for choosing a wheel-on vs. direct-drive smart trainer is cost. Unless you can’t stretch (or your partner won’t allow you to stretch) for a direct-drive it’s almost always going to be the better option. Quieter, more accurate, won’t eat tires, don’t need to pump the tire up to 110psi every time you use it; are just a few reasons why they’re better. Direct-drive trainers are all more…
Advocating for Dual-Sided Power Meters
Single-sided power meters are far and away the most popular kind of power meter. There are a few reasons for that, but the biggest are that it’s cheaper and easier to do it that way. Buy a new crank arm with a power pod, and swap it for the left arm on your bike. Done. For an experienced mechanic, this should only take about five minutes. While that is cheap[er] and easy,…
Garmin Edge 530/830/1030 Get Radar Enhancements
If you have a Garmin Edge 530/830/1030/1030 Plus, a Varia, and are comfortable running BETA firmware, Garmin just released a firmware update that, along with some other improvements, adds an “All Clear” tone for the radar. While that might not seem like a massive improvement, if it works that’s a fantastic enhancement to the experience (which is already pretty awesome). Changes made from version 6.20 to 6.22: CIQ 3.2: Added CIQ 3.2…
Garmin releases 12.20 firmware for fēnix 6
The pace of improvements for the fēnix 6 is very impressive. Although, it’s also kind of disheartening that there are still so many issues to fix… I’ve been running the 11.x->12.10 betas without issue, well generally anyway, there are definitely some issues – just nothing that I would consider a showstopper or blocker of basic functionality. Unfortunately, Garmin hasn’t provided a download for 12.20 so we’re reliant on rollout schedules. Although, sometimes…
This shouldn’t be free
No one knows the sports gadget like DC Rainmaker. No one. That he does this every year isn’t news, it’s totally understandable that someone with the level of expertise that he possesses would be in high demand for industry events. What’s awesome, is that after recording this for the players, he shares it with the rest of us. At 44+ minutes, it might test the attention span, so grab whatever helps you…
Not cool Strava, not cool at all…
I’m not sure when it happened, but Strava has silently changed the amount they plan to charge me come December from the $23.99 I agreed to auto-pay, to the $59.99 they are now charging for Live Segments + a bunch of rubbish. Legally they are allowed to do this sort of thing, but it’s still shifty AF to change the price by 2.5x and not the automatic opt-in. Clearly they have the…
Vittoria Corsa Speed Graphene 2.0 TLR Tire
I really like the Vittoria Corsa Speed Graphene 2 0 TLR tire, but it’s not without it set of trade-offs that might make it difficult to live with. This one got a little long, so if you just want the TLDW; skip to 7:15.…
We can’t have nice things
Remember how that guy freaked out about Strava matching his run with someone else’s? Well, apparently we can’t have nice things now because freaking outweighs sense. Of course, it is easier for me to feel the way I do because there’s literally zero reason why anyone would stalk me. But, for those who have concerns around that, the option existed to not be in the Flyby pool. Where what Strava did, by…