
Garmin Updates EDGE 530/830 to v7.0

The list of updates is massive, and it’s not just for the 530. If you have an 830/1030/1030 Plus they also are getting some love, but I don’t have those guys, so sorry, you’re on your own ;). Fantastically, it looks like you don’t even have to use Garmin Express to get it now, as each post (linked here) includes the download. Changes made from 6.20 to 7.00: CIQ: -Added CIQ 3.2…

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Wahoo RIVAL, a fitness watch for triathletes

Just because the new Wahoo RIVAL is for triathletes, doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to do triathlon, to use one (bullet dodged AMIRIGHT!). But! Most of the value for this thing is really focused on those who enjoy getting wet when they’re not riding the bike. While I’m very much not in that demographic, I love it that Wahoo has entered this market. Although, there are some teething issues, issues with…

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To headphone, or not to headphone, that is the question.

I listen to EDM while doing HIT cycling sessions indoors for two reasons: it helps with RPE, and with the right headphones also blocks out the fan noise. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s safe to ride outdoors with headphones, and riding around with a speaker blaring is super lame (sorry speaker people). While I might be giving up some of the workout intensity, I don’t care; crashing is worse…

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Featured Guide

Mount a Stubborn Tire Without Tools

Mounting tires, especially road tubeless tires like the Continental GP5000 TL, can be a massive challenge even with tools. But, what if you don’t want to use tire levers or a jack to get a troublesome tire on the rim? This is a quick tip outlining something that I’ve found to work really well for those stubborn tires.…

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Blog Featured

Putting the plan into action

Last week I mentioned how I stay motivated to train over the winter months, and this post is going to get into a bit more detail around how I apply that plan. Before getting into that, we should briefly discuss why you should listen to me. The truth is, you probably shouldn’t. I’m not qualified in anyway to provide training advice. With that in mind, my goal here is more for me…

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Winter is long and full of excuses

Staying motivated to keep fit during the dark, cold winter months is really hard. Even for me, as someone who rides the trainer when the weather says “go outside, you idiot”. The key to keeping motivated, at least for me, is by setting goals; and not the long-term kind. That’s not to say that goals like “I want to lose weight”, “I want to raise my FTP”, “I want to stay fit”…

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Strava Segments are Broken

Last week I was early to a ride, so I decided to do some laps around the the parking lot, figuring it would make a neat Strava segment that I could KOM for a day. When my friend arrived, he saw what I was doing and decided to do the same, which naturally destroyed my chances for the KOM. Even staring defeat in the face, I still went ahead and created the…

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I suspect that like many cyclists, I’ve never really spent much time thinking about how, or what, insurance would cover an incident should something serious happen to me on the bike. But a friend of mine, who happens to be a bike attorney here in Chicago, dropped some useful information in our cycling group chat the other day. All of which, was news to me. While I haven’t spent energy on the…

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