
Dipping a toe into the Canyon seat post debacle

Canyon messed up. Clearly, no doubt, they messed up. I’m going to assume everyone is familiar with the new Aeroad’s issue; if not, go read up, we’ll wait. The root problem is that they tried to get too clever with the seat post design on the new Aeroad. It fits too tight at the back for the amount of flex that the design allows, and a non-load bearing part of the seat…

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If you value battery life over EVERYTHING else

I was feeling pretty good about Garmin’s new Enduro watch, right up to the point where the features discussion started. More money than a fēnix 6, but way less features; and the only thing you get in return is massive battery life. I say only, but if that’s your thing, it could be exactly what you’re looking for. Personally, as long as I leave all-day SPO2 off (which frankly isn’t a hard…

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Garmin Releases Wi-Fi Update for EDGE 530/830/1030 Plus

If you’re having trouble with your Garmin EDGE cycling computer connecting to Wi-Fi, it’s possible that the latest firmware update will resolve. As it’s the only change in the log for the update, should be safe to apply (or not if you’re not experiencing). Garmin has provided the update as a download, so anyone who wants it can go get it. EDGE 530/830/1030 Plus…

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Blog Featured

How long should a device last?

Rechargeable batteries have a finite lifespan. This is an unavoidable thing. Of course it’s possible to manage that lifespan to extend it a little, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s going to die, and it’s probably something that is going to happen in 2-3 years. Knowing this, is it responsible for a company to build a device where the only course of action is to throw it away and buy…

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The seatpost clamp bolt cries out for justice…

YouTube dream builds are a guilty pleasure. One that, given that Gee has 706k subscribers, is shared with quite a few people. There are quite a few reasons why I like watching them, but it’s mostly for the articles… er… I meant tips on how to build a bike. THAT SAID, not all the builders are of equal skill. There are many time where i just have to shake my head at…

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