If you’d asked me two months ago, if I was going to do any organized rides in 2021, the answer would have been “no”. But a lot has changed since then. Going to be in IA for this gravel race on October 2nd, and have something else shaping up on the road in late July. As always, if you’re around make sure to say hi. The Snaggy Ridge 105 is a gravel…
Garmin Adds 2FA Account Protection
While I wish that Garmin had added an option for proper 2FA (two-factor authentication), I guess having something is better than what they’ve doing. Granted, at least for me, the data that Garmin collects isn’t that sensitive or high-risk that it really warrants the device based OTP model, but that would still be my preference. Steps to enable: Go to www.garmin.com Login and select “Account” from the person icon () in the…
Roval Rapide Handlebar
Light, aero, integrated, and the $300 price isn’t bad [relatively]. If the hose/cable exit is convenient, couldn’t tell from the press photos, this could be a great option for those looking to retrofit an aero handlebar setup on their bike. Introducing The Roval Rapide Handlebar Aero on the Leading Edge May 24th, 2021, Morgan Hill, CA – Wind is the ultimate cruelty, and nowhere is it more keenly met than the leading…
KOM Cycling RPV2 Full Motion Rocker Plate
I’m not entirely sold on the necessity of forward/back motion from a rocker plate. But, there’s no denying that it couldn’t hurt, and $800 isn’t terrible… There’s a lot of neat in KOM’s approach, but mostly it demonstrates how easy it would be to retrofit an existing rocker with similar kit 🤔.…
Garmin fēnix 6 16.60 Firmware Released
This is a weird one… Garmin has been BETA/RC testing different revisions b/w 16.00 and the 16.60 version that was released last night for a month or two, but the change log for 16.60 (clearly a different version than the 16.30 I’ve been running for a several weeks now) is sparser than what they documented for 16.10->16.30. I had hoped the strange amount of lag in the release process was Garmin lining…
Please tell me that I’m not the only one who almost turned this video straight off after witnessing the presenter’s [sponsored] kit choice. I did manage to silence the voice in my head that was whispering “that’s not aero” over and over again; well enough to make it all the way through anyway. And, while I’m still a bit traumatized by the experience, it was worth it because the Canyon Grizl actually…
Waxing, or re-waxing, a bicycle chain
I use a slightly different method to wax/re-wax chains than I’ve seen from other guides out there. It’s a simple, one-step, process that has served me very well both in convenience and chain longevity. While it’s possible that there is a marginally better approach to doing it, the easier the process is, the more likely we are to actually do it :).…
Big problem with newer DT Swiss hubs
I recently had an engagement issue with my DT Swiss 240 EXP hub that nearly stranded me 50-60 miles from home. Fortunately I was able to get it working on the trail; which is the first part of the video. The second part is bad news for anyone with a newer DT Swiss hub. How to: 0:16 Problem explained: 3:02…
There is definitely something to be said for e-bikes that don’t look like obvious e-bikes. How else can you demoralize the local apex predators when coolly passing them by without breaking a sweat? Ribble Cycles has two e-bikes that do exactly that, and are relatively light (in e-bike terms) as well as being svelte. Ribble Cycles launch superlight e-bikes Ribble’s flagship and award-winning electric carbon road bike, the Endurance SL e, is now available…
Cycling Utilities: VeloViewer
Veloviewer is one of my favorite cycling utilities, but it totally should not exist because it’s just a layer on top of Strava data, that fixes the limitations of Strava’s incredibly poor search and filtering features.…