
Huh, fancy that… absoluteBLACK’s OSPW HOLLOWcage is absoluteRUBBISH…

I kind of feel bad for absoluteBLACK. They tried so hard to create something beautiful*, and then Hambini had to go and apply basic engineering principles to it; highlighting to anyone with access to YouTube what a dumpster fire the absoluteBLACK Hollowcage® carbon ceramic oversized derailleur pulley cage for Shimano is. Sigh… So cruel… TBH, I’m also kind of surprised that the video hasn’t been taken down yet. I watched it on…

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CyclingTips Builds a Wall

NGL, I’m not a fan of paywalls of any kind. While it’s not a massive problem for sites like CyclingTips because no one lives or dies based on their content (sorry, not sorry), in a broader sense paywalls create an information divide between the haves and the have-nots. Basically punishing those with thinner wallets by depriving them of information, which reinforces the broader economic and cultural issues in our society. In many…

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It’s nice to not be alone here

I’ve railed against fully integrated cockpits pretty much every chance I get. Even the two piece jobbies, like the Specialized SL7, or not-quite-internal-but-very-clever Trek Emonda, are unnecessarily complicated on a lot of levels. And it’s not just for the initial fit, when you want to work on the bike, or when you want your bike steerer to stay in one piece. Most bike bag/boxes require that you take off the cockpit. How…

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ABUS Bordo 6500A Smart Folding Lock with Keyless Comfort

I don’t think I would ever use this ABUS smart lock with my road bike, mostly because it probably weighs about the same as the bike. That’s actually a good thing for a city bike though, and this is the target demographic for this beast. While it’s great that there’s another option in that space, the really cool thing about this lock is that it’s kind of like keyless entry for your…

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Garmin Edge530 8.63 Beta Adds “Green” Threat Tone

While I don’t always love what running BETA software on my Garmin devices does to me (clearly a self-inflicted wound; although they are generally very stable), I do love the way they structure the program. It’s open to anyone, no NDAs, and they are generally pretty good about documenting what’s in the release. In this release for the EDGE530, they’ve introduced the ability to sound an all-clear (“green threat level”) tone when…

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Kickr ’18 / v5 – Firmware v3.5.2 / v4.2.5

If you have a 2018 or v5 (2020) Wahoo Kickr, a new firmware came out for them last week. It’s not a massive change, but it’s awesome if you use the smart trainer in a light sensitive environment. This isn’t usually an issue for me, but when we have guests staying in the basement, I have to unplug it to make it easier for them to sleep.…

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Cyclist Shot in Highland Park, IL

Chicago’s “Northshore” is a well known area for road cyclists. Annoying because it means that you need to be a hitter to have any chance at KOMs, but it also means that it’s generally very safe to ride your bike in the area whenever you want. While there are occasional incidents with cars, or police crack downs on rolling through stop signs, it’s usually at a very manageable level. There are always…

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