
Garmin fēnix 6 – Firmware 21.00

Garmin changed the BETA process for 21.00, and I happily opted in. No major issues to report, but I have been having an ongoing problem with the Training Effect (TE) displayed on the initial activity report since 20.86. Where it shows the TE from the previous activity (or nothing if I rebooted b/w activities) on the first screen, but the correct one when digging into the details (see below). They are claiming…

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Cheap Wahoo Kickr Alert

PSA – this is the cheapest I’ve seen the big daddy V5 2020 Wahoo Kickr. Normally, I’d guess that they are clearing space for a 2022 model, since Wahoo is discounting too (but not at this level), but it’s a really strange time of year to launch a new trainer… Even if that is the case, $840 with free shipping for one of the best trainers available is still a slamming deal.…

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Some Unqualified Training Advice :)

A friend recently asked me to assist them with putting together a training plan. They didn’t provide much in the way of specific goals, so I shared some thoughts on how I approach training. What I’m currently doing, which includes work on the bike as well as off. Some of the way, or maybe why, I do the off-bike work is structured for cycling fitness, but even before I started cycling I…

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Stop-as-Yield wins another state

Despite many drivers dislike for the “unfairness” of Stop-as-Yield (also known as the Idaho stop), it’s safer for cyclists. So it’s great to see that another state has joined (pending a signature) the fold on this concept. CO is a great place to ride a bike, so nice to see that it’s getting even better. Wish that IL would get with the program here… Bicyclists who roll through stop signs will no…

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If we needed any confirmation that age group is the only realistic target…

I really enjoy Dylan’s race breakdown videos. He tells the story in a way that I wish I could in my own. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s all good – because he also shares his power numbers :). Dear lord… Wow… 150 miles of gravel, still has over a 1000W in the legs… Did I say wow? Great job Dylan. I’ll be sticking to age categories 😉…

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What the F@$%^@#, Garmin?!?

I literally yelled those words, well swap out the special characters, at my TV yesterday while I was on the trainer catching up on some DCR YouTube… If you’ve already seen his video I imagine that you had a similar experience when Ray mentioned that the price is $300, for a couple bearings and some plastic. Because there is no universe where that is a reasonable price for what the Tacx Neo…

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Melting Mann 2022 – Race Recap

Melting Mann 2022 was my first race of the season, and I was eager to test my new fitness plan and the things I tried to learn from last season. While I definitely made more mistakes than I would have liked, I am thrilled with how it worked out. Intro: 00:23 Weather: 02:25 Race breakdown: 03:35 Result: 07:55 Wrapping up: 08:13 Full race:…

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