I can only guess that Stages is exiting the smart bike market, because the pricing on their SB20 all-in-one is crazy low. Not only do you get a solid indoor training solution, no bike required, but also a year of Zwift. I’ve never ridden the SB20, and truth be told, I’m not a fan of the smart bike genre because at the end of the day it’s never going to have great compliance because it’s a big steel machine. But, if there are multiple riders who want to use the pain-cave, and you’re not the four-hour trainer session type, it might be just the thing. And heck, $1400, even if you don’t like the thing it should be fairly easy to shift it and not lose any money.
January 23, 2023
Stages SB20 Smart Bike and 1 Year of Zwift, For $1400

is this still available?
I think this one is gone. Sorry.