In general, the main driver for choosing a wheel-on vs. direct-drive smart trainer is cost. Unless you can’t stretch (or your partner won’t allow you to stretch) for a direct-drive it’s almost always going to be the better option. Quieter, more accurate, won’t eat tires, don’t need to pump the tire up to 110psi every time you use it; are just a few reasons why they’re better. Direct-drive trainers are all more expensive ($900+) than something like this Elite Tuo (which TLDW, actually seems pretty good) or Kickr Snap which both SRP around $500, so if money is an object, it is definitely worth looking their way. Whichever way you go, don’t wait too long, trainer season is fast approaching in the northern hemisphere, and given the COVID situation they are getting really hard to find.
Winter is coming. Get a smart trainer.