
Hammerhead Karoo 2 is THE BEST Strava KOM Hunter’s Computer

Being completely honest, I yawned (metaphorically of course) my way through most of DCR’s Hammerhead Karoo 2 hands-on. The bike computer looks fine, does stuff, even does it well, navigation for example, but nothing that really addressed the biggest question around why one might want to buy one of these cycling computers over industry leader Garmin, or hot-on-their-heels Wahoo (I know there are others, but again being completely honest, they’re also-rans).

Until Strava Live Segments came up.

Wow! Just Wow! This is how Live Segments should work. Everyone else is a pretender, all hail the new king. Now, it’s worth pointing out that Live Segments aren’t important to everyone, I for one am preparing myself for a Live Segment-less existence come November, but for those KOM chasers out there let there be no doubt, this will be a massive advantage, and likely well worth the $400 cost of entry.

Oh, and it looks like Hammerhead sorted out my biggest complaint with the Karoo 1, when I last glanced upon its specifications list, by adding Di2 and Varia support several months back.

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