
Yep, that’s the feature I was waiting for…

Seriously Strava… Seriously… I, don’t, even, know, what to say… Of all the totally useless features the platform has, recognizing the person who rode a segment the most, has to be pretty close to the top of the list. I mean, I guess it’s kind of nice that Strava is actually doing something with all the data it collects, and does nothing with… But, maybe building solo vs. group segment filter would have been more useful? Or, even relevant, given the state of things ATM.

Oddly enough, even though Illinois is in the list of locations with the feature, and I live in Illinois, I haven’t gotten the green light yet, so sadly I can’t see if I am, indeed, a Local Legend. Bummer.

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182ish lb. climber
182ish lb. climber
4 years ago

Congratulations on riding your commute more frequently than anyone else! And for doing it while breathing!

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