Site icon Mamilian

But, no one will see my KOM!!!

First off, gotta be clear that this is not a personal problem. I have exactly zero KOMs. My role in the cycling world is clearly that of the domestique, so just like on the road, this post is to do the job of getting the important people up to speed.

PSA: Strava is currently experiencing a technical issue with calculating segment achievements (KOMs, leaderboards, etc). The current guidance is to wait 24 hours before complaining to them. This of course means that no one will see that you earned a crown, because all the serious cyclists will have swiped by it by then…

Our team is aware of an issue that’s causing delays in segment efforts appearing on leaderboards and awarding segment achievements. If your segment achievements appear to be missing, we recommend waiting 24 hours and then checking again.


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