
CABDA 2020: Gocycle

Folding, electric bicycles are the perfect thing for train, or shorter distance, commuters. And, unless your not-on-a-train commute is more than 20 miles this bike from Gocycle could be just about perfect, if you can afford it. It claims 50 miles of range, a four hour charge time via its rapid charger (should you want a spare charger, it’s $160), but goes for $4800. Which, to be fair is the price of a cheap used car.

Now that is SRP, so who knows what the street price actually is, and you would save on parking ($2.60/day where I live) as well as whatever “last mile(s)” costs are incurred. So while $4800 is a lot of money, in comparison to what one can spend on a bike, electric or otherwise, it’s not out of sync with the competition. Especially considering the finer points of the CXi; things like daytime running lamps, weight (17.5kg/38.6lb), 500W motor, etc.

Obviously not for everyone, but just like there’s plenty of market segmentation in the automotive (or, cycling…) industry there’s definitely a place for Gocycle.

Gocycle claims that their GXi electric bike can be folded down in less than 10 seconds. While at CABDA, I asked them to prove it :).

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