Having ridden the Wahoo Kickr Bike briefly, I can say that with great assurance that I will never buy one. The main reason is that I already have a Kickr, and a bike to put on it. So when I consider what else I could do with that $3500… If I didn’t have that setup, the answer would still be “no” for two reasons. It’s a hunk of metal with no compliance…
Strava condenses Summit, now just one paid option…
Where there were three, now there is one. Details around what this means are pretty light on the ground, but maybe I missed something in the email I received from Strava, or DCR’s coverage on the topic. While Strava indicates that the reason for the change was “user confusion”, and there may be some truth to it, I was never personally confused about what I was paying for ($2.99/month Analysis Pack). The…
Garmin Varia $130 @ BikeTiresDirect.com
I absolutely love my Garmin Varia radar tail lamp. While nice-to-have, it adds an element of safety that I don’t want to do without. Just like a rear-view mirror in the car, knowing what is behind you is incredibility helpful in all sorts of scenarios. With that out of the way, looks like BikeTiresDirect.com is selling it for $130, which is the lowest price I’ve seen for new, and just above what…
WAHOO Introduces Stealth Into ELEMENT Lineup
If you’ve been eyeing the ELEMNT BOLT family of bike computers from Wahoo, and the killer feature that blocked the “Buy Now” click was the color options… There’s now another one “Stealth Black”, which is black, and stealthy? More importantly, the price also dropped to $230. Which might actually make it easier to make the purchase :). Also out today is a firmware update for the whole ELEMNT family, although just documented…
Woohoo!!! Recovery beer is good for your brain
Or at least that’s how I’m interpreting the results of this study. Even better, although not for those new to the pub, is that the benefit of alcohol to brain health requires a long-term commitment to moderate consumption; where moderate consumption is in the range from 1-13 (wow, 13!) alcoholic drinks per week. Moderate consumption is good for your mental health, and now your brain as well. So make sure to take…
Case study: An incomplete power meter review
Testing a power meter isn’t hard, as long as you have the appropriate control. It doesn’t matter how cost competitive the meter is. Accuracy matters. Capture the data, do the analysis, and show it all. So we can double check your work. It’s simply not good enough, to call it at this: From our tests the Avio ran a few watts higher compared to power meters we know to be accurate, but…
Whoa, what’s up with the new Strava?
I’m both confused, and enthused with this new listen-to-your-users-and-deliver-what-they-want thing from Strava. Astute readers will notice I didn’t say customers there, because, at least now, all of us aren’t Strava’s real customer. It would be great if that changed, and I think if they keep it up this adding-useful-features cadence, and started delivering more real value for the paying users there’s a real chance that they could do that. Making the app/platform…
Cycling treadmill falls flat
TBH, I’m at a loss for how the Oreka O2 is a real product that you (if you live in Europe) can buy. I can sort-of see how there’s a market for this thing, even though I wouldn’t buy one with someone else’s money. Inaccurate power, wonky feel, and the whole safety thing. Clearly not ready for retail. I can’t even see how it passed a liability review… How did Oreka get…
Like all of Dylan’s videos, this is worth a watch start to finish. There’s nuance here that is difficult to summarize. What struck me more than the main point of the video (baking soda might improve performance, but there’s risk of GI issues when ingested, and topicals are an open question), is that AMP, a company that makes cycling products, decided that it was a good idea to use a known pathological…
Rubbee is a beautiful abomination
I have mixed feelings about electric bicycles. On the one hand, there is no feeling better than blowing by one (tri-bike passes are a close second). On the other, it can take a lot of work to blow by an electric bicycle… And that’s the beautiful thing about them, they widen what’s possible on a bike. Whether that’s expanding who you can ride with, the duration or terrain of your route, or…