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I don’t buy it.

I went through my own thoughts on the mechanical v. electronic shifting a while back, but it’s always good to get other opinions on the topic. While they are pretty solidly in the pro-electronic camp (for valid reasons), I do think that the projection that mechanical will go away is a bit unjustified. Maybe they forgot to caveat the call, but I just don’t see it. Mechanical will always have a massive…

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OK Fitbit, err… I mean Google

Fitbit has been eaten by Google. Held up for ages now by regulators, I wasn’t sure if it was ever going to happen, but obviously today, is the day. Oh happy day. Hopefully this is a good thing for Fitbit’s customers, personally I have a hard time seeing it as such. Google has a way of devouring companies and expelling their dried, and empty, husks into the toilet of history. On a…

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Wahoo doesn’t want to let 2020 go…

Unlike the rest of us, apparently someone at Wahoo wants to hold onto 2020. But, maybe I’m reading it wrong, and they really want a do-over, but with better translations and stability improvements; which TBH doesn’t sound like a bad idea. All kidding aside, if you have an ELEMNT bike computer, go ahead and update it. They all should have one :).  …

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Food for thought

Not going to deny that there might be some confirmation bias on my part, but I’ve been really pleased with the changes I made to my diet last year. That’s not to say there aren’t trade-offs involved, mostly around inconvenience, but there’s no arguing that from a personal health perspective I’m much better off. Of course it’s impossible for me to say to what degree the fitness improvements I’ve made over the…

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Wait?! “Sweet Spot” isn’t Sweet?

I did not expect the conclusion that Dylan came to in this video. After all, we all know that the “sweet” in “Sweet Spot Training” (SST) means that it’s placed in the perfect location to push up the FTP over time. Right? Well, apparently that’s not the case because “science”. Sigh, going to have to get that name changed… One thing that Dylan states clearly, but is easy to miss on the…

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It’s not just you. Strava is borked.

You would think that somewhere in their vast pool of employee talent, Strava would have at least one person who understand how to keep the service up and working correctly. But, that’s clearly not the case even though their “am I up” page is reporting “all-good”. Hmm… Update: Strava is back online.…

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Garmin Releases Firmware 13.10 for fēnix 6

Fixes and improvements galore in the latest firmware for the fēnix 6 family of fitness watches. Unfortunately Garmin hasn’t provided a direct download, but I was able to encourage it with Garmin Express. That could have been because I was running the 13.00 RC, and the 12.77 BETA before that, both without any showstopper issues. The only niggle that I experienced was that I needed to reboot my phone to get it…

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Hammerhead Karoo 2 Is Out

The Hammerhead Karoo 2 has been in the works for a while, but where it was vapor before, now it’s a real thing, that real people are getting in their hands. That doesn’t mean you can run out and buy one, and get it today (or in some reasonable amount of time to ship it to you). But, DCR has one in a “finished” state that he’s done his thing with; in…

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GCN Makes A Case For Winter Tires,

Like a lot of GCN’s recent video, this one is probably more driven by marketing than facts. That’s not to say that I don’t agree with where they end up; it’s better to use different tires in the winter than the summer. Where they fail, is by not going far enough… As someone who now lives in an area where “winter” means riding in temperatures below the freezing point for water, personally…

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SILCA Announces Synergetic Wet Lube

I’ve gone all-in on waxing my chains, but it’s nice to have options, and SILCA is open with the fact that even their new Synergetic Wet Lube isn’t as good as waxing. Although, clearly caged in the context of their waxing products. But, not everyone has the temperament to mess around with wax – and it is a bit of a faff. This product is for them. Personally, I was expecting this…

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