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Putting the plan into action

Last week I mentioned how I stay motivated to train over the winter months, and this post is going to get into a bit more detail around how I apply that plan. Before getting into that, we should briefly discuss why you should listen to me. The truth is, you probably shouldn’t. I’m not qualified in anyway to provide training advice. With that in mind, my goal here is more for me…

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Stop Squeaky Pedals

Squeaky pedals are super annoying; both to you, and to everyone you’re riding with. While squeaky pedals isn’t a problem isolated to SPD pedals, they do seem to suffer from it a bit more than other setups, probably because of the more durable metal-on-metal interface.…

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Products I Do Not Understand: Aero Gravel Wheels

Accepting that I’m not an expert in aerodynamics, it’s quite possible that I’m wrong here (please be gentle, aerodynamic experts). That said, based on my lay understanding of wheel aerodynamics, I cannot see how (except in very limited circumstances) one would benefit aerodynamically from an “aero” gravel wheel. That’s not to say that there aren’t other benefits to a deeper wheel, CX racers will know that it’s quite common for so much…

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Advocating for Dual-Sided Power Meters

Single-sided power meters are far and away the most popular kind of power meter. There are a few reasons for that, but the biggest are that it’s cheaper and easier to do it that way. Buy a new crank arm with a power pod, and swap it for the left arm on your bike. Done. For an experienced mechanic, this should only take about five minutes. While that is cheap[er] and easy,…

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