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Featured Review

Bryton Gardia R300L Bike Radar Tail Light

I was an early adopter of bike radar, and I remain an enthusiastic evangelist around it because I see it as a critical safety device. Until recently, there was a lack of competition in the space, so I’m thrilled to see entrants from companies like Bryton, with its Gardia R300L. Intro: 00:02 Why Bike Radar: 00:26 The Basics: 01:45 Mobile App: 02:50 Disclosure: 03:33 USB Type C FTW: 03:53 Unboxed: 04:08 Weight:…

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Blog Featured

What Is A Strava Activity?

Every so often I stumble on a Strava activity like the screenshot above, and by stumble on, I really mean someone I know puts it out there in a “WHOA! LOOK AT WHAT THIS PERSON DID!” kinda way. I get it, that’s part of Strava’s function; to get recognition for the cool fitness related stuff that we do. I also understand that like every other social media platforms, truth only gets in…

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