I recently had an engagement issue with my DT Swiss 240 EXP hub that nearly stranded me 50-60 miles from home. Fortunately I was able to get it working on the trail; which is the first part of the video. The second part is bad news for anyone with a newer DT Swiss hub. How to: 0:16 Problem explained: 3:02…
Zwift PC App HTTP 403 Error
I don’t generally use Zwift on my PC to ride the trainer, but that doesn’t mean I don’t use it. It’s the best (and only AFAIK) way to load custom workouts for Zwift on closed boxes like the Apple TV. Unfortunately, today when I tried to do exactly that, I received the error message above immediately upon launching Zwift. There a lot of troubling in that screenshot. First, HTTP 403 is an…
Exploiting Strava Flybys Privacy Hole
I think Strava’s knee-jerk reaction to random guy’s freakout over Flybys is wrong given what Strava is, but that doesn’t mean I can’t also point out that they seem to have missed the bus around solving the thing they claimed to address by disabling it by default. …
Reconciling Garmin Training Status?
One of the reasons I bought a Garmin fēnix 6 was so I could more accurately track my activity levels, which I hoped would lead to better insight into my fitness level, workout recommendations, and a better handle on my training status. What I seem to be getting though is borderline useless… Below is a table indicating the last month of activity: what Garmin suggested, what I actually did, how it impacted…
When Failure Nets Success
I failed my winter goals. Well, partially anyway. After hitting the first target, I set a new one, and that’s where I just couldn’t do it. Perhaps it was just too lofty, a technology barrier, or my fortitude too weak. Ultimately it doesn’t really matter, a fail is a fail. Right? Pessimistically; hell yes. Optimistically; that’s crazy talk. Setting hard to reach training goals is just a tool to motivate action towards…
Why Canyon? Why make it worse?
I’m generally pro-Canyon. I have a 2018 Aeroad, and it’s a great bike. I’ve had no issues with the bike that weren’t my own making. The story with the 2021 Canyon Aeroad, on the other hand, hasn’t been as peachy. First there was the self-destroying seat post, then there was the integrated handlebar that falls apart. I totally understand why they issued a stop-ride order afterwards, broken handlebars are not something to…
No Spoke Holes, No Problem
One of the concerns that I and, I imagine, many others have around buying a set of Far Sports tubeless rims without spoke holes is the potential for massive hassle when it’s necessary to replace a nipple. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I got the chance to experience this process first hand today. I have no idea what happened to the spoke/nipple above, I didn’t even notice it myself until a sharper-eyed friend…
What’s the opposite of a mullet?
I can’t disagree with the assertion that it’s faster to put a deeper wheel in the front, because it’s right. But, as someone who’s a bit on the lighter side, the thought of putting an 88mm front wheel on the bike is WAY outside my risk tolerance. I’ve almost gotten swept on my 65mm wheels so often that I barely ride them; would just rather be that tiny bit slower (maybe) on…
Mixed Messages
This summer I almost got flattened by a car. The details aren’t super important, but had the car’s timing been a slightly different, or had there been oncoming traffic, the best case would probably have involved an ambulance ride. The important part starts when I chased down the car, slammed my hand on the side window, and started berating the driver. It was colossally stupid for me to escalate the situation with…
Dipping a toe into the Canyon seat post debacle
Canyon messed up. Clearly, no doubt, they messed up. I’m going to assume everyone is familiar with the new Aeroad’s issue; if not, go read up, we’ll wait. The root problem is that they tried to get too clever with the seat post design on the new Aeroad. It fits too tight at the back for the amount of flex that the design allows, and a non-load bearing part of the seat…