Not going to deny that there might be some confirmation bias on my part, but I’ve been really pleased with the changes I made to my diet last year. That’s not to say there aren’t trade-offs involved, mostly around inconvenience, but there’s no arguing that from a personal health perspective I’m much better off. Of course it’s impossible for me to say to what degree the fitness improvements I’ve made over the past year are related to diet, but I am comfortable saying that it doesn’t seem to be hurting.
January 11, 2021
Food for thought

I thought you were against antioxidants 😉
I should have been clearer in that post (edited it a bit, thanks). The problem is with antioxidant supplements (i.e. mega dosing), not what you get (and need) from eating whole foods. I got caught up in the “if some is good, more is better”…
Makes sense, that’s my attitude towards them.