Monthly Archives

June 2023


Zwift Play Looks Really Cool

If you’re willing to grab a Zwift Play now, you can get it for $99. At some point it will go to $150. If you race, this is a no brainer. If you don’t, still looks cool, but maybe less so. The biggest complication I see is that this requires yet another Bluetooth connection. Which isn’t a problem for most folks, but if you’re using an Apple TV (c’mon Apple…) you’re limited…

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Is “Training with Torque” any different from “Training with Cadence”?

No. Not unless I’m missing something… As I’m sure you all know, and the author of the article below readily admits, we calculate power (i.e. the metric that matters) by using the incredibly simple formula “cadence * torque = power” in watts. So when Zach gets on his soapbox about Training with Torque, and how it’s all important and stuff, what he’s actually trying to sell is Training with Cadence by a…

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Featured News

Unbound 2023 was a CF, and it’s the organizers fault

I wasn’t at Unbound 2023. Didn’t make it for a few reasons, one of them big, the others relatively small. I do know a lot of other athletically minded MAMILs who made the trip to Emporia last weekend for what should have been an epic and challenging race. That’s not what happened. Instead, in what I can only classify as an act of callous spite, the organizers decided that racers should hike…

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