I am a everything, everywhere tubeless advocate. Even Tom, Cycling News Tom, agrees that it’s OK for “large volume” gravel and MTB, so I’m going to agree to agree with him there. Where I disagree is with the idea that road tubeless isn’t worth it. Tom is entitled to his opinion, as is everyone, and they make some valid points. Although, most of the points are more complaints around how things work…
CABDA 2025
Always fun and interesting to check out CABDA (a cycling industry trade show). Fortunately, the Midwest instance is conveniently held in Chicago (er… Schaumburg), so easy for me to attend.…
Sorry, Wahoo… That’s not safe…
If we check the requirements that Wahoo posts for the Wahoo Run… They are hefty, and particular… But, the Run is a beast, so it makes sense that it would require a dedicated circuit. The problem is that the Wahoo Run doesn’t respect its own rules, and by doing so creates a massive safety issue. I ran across a post on Reddit last night where the OP had a dedicated 20A (yeah,…
Me, on Chicago Cycling Network
Omar is killing it with the regular content on his channel. Actually, highlights how bad I am at YouTube. Obviously, this is his best video so far :D.…
Chicago Cycling Network Interviews Steve
Back in August, I mentioned that Steve was finishing up riding all the streets in Chicago. Well, he was recently interviewed by another friend (Omar) who just started up a YT channel focused on the cycling scene here. Go have a watch, and give them some love while you’re there :).…
Ten tip to make riding the indoor trainer suck less
It’s trainer season in large areas of the Northern Hemisphere. As someone who rides the trainer a lot, I figured it would be good to share some tips on how I make it work for me.…
We Can Do Better
I need to say out loud that this is going to be mildly political, so you’ve been warned. Sorry. Trust me, it is relevant to the content domain of the channel, but it takes me a while to get there. So hold on to the end. I also want to say that I’m more than happy to have a deeper conversation around these topics. I have an opinion, I don’t have all…
Cannondale SAVE Carbon Seatpost
First video in the “how to make riding the trainer suck less” series. A seatpost that makes a HUGE difference in trainer comfort.…
Wahoo ACE is a chonk that needs more time in the oven
There is a lot to like about Wahoo’s new $600 ACE bike computer, but there’s a lot to… um… feel conflicted about… The wind sensor is really neat, but the software doesn’t really make it that useful. There’s a big screen, but the battery life isn’t awesome. There’s a whole lot more feel conflicted about in DCR’s review, well worth a watch, but the TL;DW is that this bad boy needs more…
Strava gives🖕to, umm, everyone
I have to admit that I’m really struggling with trying to find a positive way to process Strava’s actions here. You should absolutely watch DCR’s video on the topic. There’s a lot to unpack, none of it good. The TL;DW is that Strava seems to be trying to euthanize its position as a data broker/aggregator for everyone’s activities by cutting off 3rd party apps at the knees. If they want to pull…